Did you remember to update your key?

  • The key is valid for 1 month at a time from the last update

  • The key is updated either at the main entrance to the building or at an update reader (Arken, Inferno, Kringla, Mølla and Skogveien 27)

  • It is important that you update your key regularly, so that you have access to the building, apartment and room. When you update the key, it will first light up blue, then green - let the system update itself

  • The doors are unlocked by holding the key against the lock - let the lock finish beeping before removing the key. If you get 3 red flashes before the door opens, it means that the battery in the door lock needs replacing. Report to the caretaker via YOURPAGE/unialltid (this only applies to rooms)

  • An unlocked door that closes does not lock automatically

  • The door can only be locked from the outside. Hold key against lock (outside) – red light comes on

  • Do you want to lock when you go to bed; lock the door from the outside. Go into the room and close the door - it will be locked from the outside, but you, who are inside, can go straight out without using a key

  • The lock is set up with a 30 minute back escape; if you leave your room when the door is locked and close it, you will have the option of re-entering the room within 30 minutes without the use of a key. This is a safety feature in the event of a fire, for example, if you have to escape back into the room

  • After 30 minutes, the door will lock again from the outside

If the key still does not work - contact SiÅs Bolig.

Outside opening hours, contact Securitas: 98 69 11 13