SiÅs Bolig/Boksmia are located in Boksmia, next to Andedammen on campus.

Campus map

Visiting address is Høgskoleveien 2, 1433 Ås

Opening hours are Monday - Friday: 10:00 – 15:00

Contact information: Phone +47 64966300 - Email:

Post addresse: Studentsamskipnaden i Ås, SiÅs Bolig, Christian Magnus Falsens vei 3, 1433 Ås

To arrange collection of keys outside opening hours, please send an email to one week before arrival.


Lost/forgotten key: You can borrow/buy a new key from SiÅs Bolig during our opening hours. If you need help unlocking outside opening hours, you can contact Securitas (+47 98691113) Please note that a fee for locking in may apply.


New international students:

Please fill and submit the Confirm Arrival Form to inform SiÅs, as soon as possible, to confirm arrival.

In case of emergency on arrival, please contact Pål Magnus Løken, Dep. dir.
Phone: +47 93035654

There are no kitchenware or beddings in your room/apartment.
If you have ordered it on the Arrival form, you will receive an email, before arrival, where to collect it.
Please note that some of you might have signed contract for housing without bed or other furniture (see information on each housing option on unialltid)

For information about
house rent, internet, laundry, heating, waste/recyckling etc

Other relevant information
about SiÅs housing, bookstore, sport and food

ISU (International Student Union): or Facebook

If you have any questions, please contact SiÅs Housing:


Parking at SiÅs and NMBU

Parking at SiÅs student accommodation - go to Parking

Parking at NMBU

Overview of parking areas on Campus (PDF, 595KB)