Guest accommodation in Utveien 6
Studio apartments in Utveien 6
Prices, valid from 01.01.2024
Daily rate: single room NOK 1265,- / Double room NOK 1540-
1/2 month rate: single room NOK 6545,- enkeltrom / Double room NOK 9900,-
Monthly rate: single room NOK 9900,- enkeltrom / Double room NOK 13310,-
Price includes: bedclothes, towel, internet, kitchenware, access to laundry and cleaning after departure.
Requests to check availability should be sent by email to: Utleie
Please include:
Dates for arrival and departure.
Name(s) of guest(s).
Name of whoever will pay the bill.
Billing address.
You will receive a reply to your enquiry by email within a short time. Please note that this request is not considered a booking until you receive confirmation from SiÅs.
Cancelling a booking:
We request that we are informed about cancellations as early as possible, three working days before planned arrival at the latest. If you cancel later than that, you will be charged for up to three days.
If you simply don't turn up, you will be charged for up to three days.
If your stay is shortened, you can be charged for up to three days beyond the date of your departure.
Rent guest house
Invoice is calculated on arrival and is delivered together with key.
If you have access to Your Page on Boligtorget, you will find the invoice there.
SiÅs can also send invoice electronically as ehf, if you have the opportunity to receive this - or by e-mail.
The reservation/invoice will always be in the orderer's name
If you book for another person, but pay the rent, it is important that the reservation is in your name. You can also enter a guest name.
Should the guest pay by himself, he or she must also be the one who order the stay.
The rent can be paid by bank or credit card on Your Page on Boligtorget, ehf, cash in Boksmia or via transfer from abroad.
Transfer from abroad
Name of beneficiary: Studentsamskipnaden i Ås, 1432 Ås, Norway
IBAN: NO1416540503420
Account: 16540503420
Postal address;
You can receive mail in a mailbox at the student post office on campus.
Contact SiÅs Bolig for address and key to mailbox.
after 14pm
key can be collected at SiÅ's Housing in Smia; Høyskoleveien 2, 1433 Ås
our opening hours are Monday - Friday, 10-15
on arrival after kl. 15 - please contact for a key collection agreement
Parking, please see Opening hours/ Collect key
Map, please see Opening hours/ Collect key
before 10am
please deliver key in the letter opening in the back door of SiÅs Bolig
remember to bring all belongings (SiÅs is not responsible for any remedies)
please empty the fridge and freezer
Hope you have had a pleasant stay - welcome back!