
Together you should agree on routines and write a cleaning list.

SiÅs will regularly check shared areas, and will let you know if an improvement is required. If cleaning is not done to a satisfactory standard, tenants may be charged according to tenancy contract.

Shopping list. 

  • Jif scrub cream

  • Dishwashing soap

  • Bleach

  • Soap for floors

  • Washing cloths

  • Scrubbing brush or sponge

  • Dishbrush

Cleaning shared areas

Every day:

  • Clean tables and workbench

  • Clean stove after use

  • Wash up and clear all dishes and cutlery.

  • Take out the waste.

  • Sweep up breadcrumbs and similar from the floor.

Every week:

  • Scrub stove, both inside and outside

  • To get the best out of the extractor fan, the filter must be cleaned or replaced regularly. The more it gets clogged up with grease and fat, the less effective it is, and the risk of fire increases. The fan itself can be cleaned with wire wool. The filter and filter holder should be placed in hot water with dishwashing soap.

  • The fridge should be cleaned with washing up liquid and a little bleach. Throw away any old food.

  • The sofa and armchairs should be vacuumed

  • All doors, handles and frames should be be wiped

  • The floor should be washed with warm, soapy water. Afterwards, the cloth or mop should be soaked in bleach before being left to dry and you can use it again.

Cleaning bathrooms

The bathroom should be cleaned twice a week.

Cleaning the shower, sink, toilet, walls and floor:

  • Deposits of soap and grease can often build up in a bathroom. To get rid of it, use scouring cream and a scouring brush or sponge.

  • Remember that the toilet and sink should be washed both on the inside and outside.

  • The toilet brush should be placed in a bucket with bleach (about 100 ml bleach per bucket of water) for about 15 minutes once a month.

Removal of hair in the shower and sink:

  • Hair should be picked up from the drain in the sink.

  • Open the drain in the shower with a screwdriver or similar. Remove any hair or soap you might find. We recommend rubber gloves. 


  • Clean the bathroom mirror using window wash.

Shower curtains:

  • Take them down, and put them in a bucket with bleach (about 100 ml bleach per bucket of water) for about 15 minutes once a month. Rinse and hang up.


  • Always leave air vents open.

  • Air the apartment properly for 10 minutes. Make sure you turn the heating off while you do this.

  • Turn thermostats down to 12-13 degrees when you leave home for longer periods in wintertime.

  • Poorly ventilated rooms can lead to moisture damage, formation of mould and a poor indoor climate. 

Pests and cleanliness

Pests, such as cockroaches, may occur if common areas have not been sufficiently cleaned, or when old bits of food are not removed.

It is important to make sure that cleaning is carried out regularly. Waste should not be left in the kitchen or stairway, but delivered at the recycling station. Frequent ventilation is also important to prevent pests. 

Cleaning when moving out


  • Furniture and matresses should be vacuumed.

  • Matress covers should be washed according to washing instructions.

  • Clean cupboard, shelves, desk, skirtings, light fittings, heaters, doors and frames, light switches, windows, floors and walls.


  • Clean the sink, mirror, toilet, shower, walls and floor.

Kitchen and living room:

  • The whole kitchen, including cabinets, should be washed and thoroughly scrubbed – from top to bottom, inside and out, on top and underneath, inside the drawers. Don’t forget the sink and worktop.

  • Clean the table and bench.

  • Clean the stove, inside and out.

  • Pull out the stove, fridge and freezer to clean from all sides and the walls behind. Remember the baking tray.

  • Make sure all food from the fridge, freezer and cupboards are removed.

  • Wash the walls and floors.

  • Deep clean the extraction fan and change the filter.

  • Clean light fittings, chairs, table,  shelves, skirtings, doors and frames, light switches, plug sockets, any stains on the walls and any other loose or fitted fixtures.

  • Vacuum all furniture.


  • Tidy and clean/sweep.


Please remember to bring all assets. SiÅs is not responsible for any assets left behind.

If you wish to have an inspection of your cleaning before moving out, contact SiÅs Bolig by email:

If cleaning is not done to a statisfactory standard, tenants may be charged according to tenancy contract.