You can find dates and sign up for a climbing course here

Top rope course
Top rope climbing is climbing with a rope that is already secured at the top of the wall. The top rope course gives you an introduction to belaying and climbing on top rope. It is a good fit for beginners that want to start climbing with a rope. After the course you will be qualified to take the top rope certificate, as well as continuing on with lead climbing course.   
Content covered in the course:
•    Correct use of climbing harness
•    Climbing gear for top rope climbing
•    How to tie correct knot for climbing
•    The risks of top rope climbing, and how to avoid dangerous situations
•    Correct belaying technique, positioning and communication

Requirement of prior knowledge:
No prior knowledge needed
Duration: 4 hours
Price: Members/other 700/950 NOK
Sign up here (Note: once signed up, you cannot cancel)
Top rope certificate: After the course we recommend that you practice belaying for about a week before you take the test.

Lead climbing course
Lead climbing is when you bring a rope with you from the ground and clip it in bolts along the way. With the lead climbing course you will get an introduction to belaying and climbing on lead. After the course you are qualified to take the lead certificate test (“brattkort”). 
Content covered in the course:
•    Quick review of how to use the harness, figure eight knot, carabin and belay device.
•    The risks of lead climbing and how to avoid dangerous situations. 
•    Correct belaying technique, positioning and communication. 
•    How to clip the draws while lead climbing.
•    What to do when reaching the top.
•    How to safely belay falls.
Requirement of prior knowledge:
Top rope certificate or equivalent knowledge, which include: Correct belaying on top rope, correct buddy check, and knowledge about safe climbing.
Duration: 4 hours
Price: Members/Other 700/950 NOK
Sign up here (Note: once signed up, you cannot cancel)
Lead certificate «Brattkort»:
After the course we recommend that you practice belaying for about a week before you take the test.