Correct mailing address
Students living in our student accommodation can get post box. The same goes for spouses and partners of students living in our student accommodation.
Children of students may use the student's address. Our mailbox system is too small for everyone to have their own mailbox. Most people have to share their mailbox with someone else. Therefore, you must not remove mail belonging to someone else. Notify LUKA if someone isn't collecting their post.
Using the correct mailing address is essentials for preventing delays. Your mailing address at NMBU is: Student Name, Postbox ###, NMBU 1432 ÅS
Always remember to give your mailbox number and not your home address. Some people sometimes give their residential address (e.g. Mølla 101, Skogveien 28, etc.). This delays the delivery of mail. In our experience, those who use the wrong mailing address will get their mail after a delay of 1-2 days.
We therefore ask for help to prevent delays:
Be sure to give all your contacts your correct mailing address number. If you are away traveling, you must notify for redirecting at least 1 week in advance. (Unfortunately, we cannot redirect mail for periods shorter than 14 working days). For graduates, your change of address must be reported by the 1st July of your final year. (If you are going to continue studying here, please notify us in good time, before 1 July).